Now and Then : A Memoir of Vocation Paperback - 1991
by Frederick Buechner
- Used
- very good
- Paperback
A celebrated author shares his personal and professional journey in this moving memoir. Buechner invites readers to listen to their own lives and "touch, taste, smell your way to the holy and hidden heart of it". "Strikes to the heart. . . . Unpreachy meditations on life and Christianity at its most profound".--People Magazine.
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- Title Now and Then : A Memoir of Vocation
- Author Frederick Buechner
- Binding Paperback
- Edition Reprint
- Condition Used - Very Good
- Pages 128
- Volumes 1
- Language ENG
- Publisher HarperCollins Publishers, New York, New York, U.S.A.
- Date 1991
- Features Bibliography
- Bookseller's Inventory # G0060611820I4N00
- ISBN 9780060611828 / 0060611820
- Weight 0.25 lbs (0.11 kg)
- Dimensions 8 x 5.38 x 0.38 in (20.32 x 13.67 x 0.97 cm)
- Religious Orientation: Christian
- Sex & Gender: Feminine
- Theometrics: Mainline
- Topical: Christian Interest
- Library of Congress subjects Novelists, American - 20th century -, Buechner, Frederick
- Library of Congress Catalog Number 91055091
- Dewey Decimal Code B
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Media reviews
- Publishers Weekly, 09/20/1991, Page 0