Book reviews from DanielBotha

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DanielBotha's average rating is 4 of 5 Stars.

Cherub 4

by Robert Muchamore

On Jul 9 2011, DanielBotha said:
DanielBotha rated this book 4 of 5 Stars.
Mentioning the amount of homework I left undone just to read this book is a start. I dropped my maths homework book plenty of times just because I was aware of the lonely book, waiting to be devoured by me. And devour it I did.The Killing by Robert Muchamore is a book that I simply couldn’t leave unmentioned. The fourth book in the first series of CHERUB is a thrilling read. James (our main character in the book) is sent in by The CHERUB organization to investigate a small time crook, Leon. Leon has been throwing money around that he couldn’t have earned off his car dealership and the police are determined to find out where it came from. James’ mission is simple. He must befriend Leon’s kids, infiltrate his home and see if he can dig up some leads. But the plot James begins to unravel isn’t at all what anyone expected and the only person who might know the truth is an eighteen-year-old boy…who died thirteen months earlier.The Killing is a fantastic read and Robert Muchamore can be congratulated on delivering yet another fast paced, gripping and enthralling novel. He has kept the suspense going all the way through to the end and it’s almost as if the pages turn themselves. A story which simply blows your mind with the suspense and the build up of the climax.Robert Muchamore knows what ticks when it comes to the teenage mind. This spy series is a must for anyone who’s into spy novels or movies.Overall Rating: 4/5 Thumbs up!