Book reviews from ErnestoR

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ErnestoR's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.

Chocolate Lenin

by Graham Diamond

On Sep 13 2012, ErnestoR said:
ErnestoR rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
A wide-ranging tale of the near future taking place in Russia. Vladimir Lenin has returned...restored to life by a genius scientist who has secretly been concocting his project. Now on the loose, this Lenin, conceived in a popular chocolate factory at the Siberian city of Omsk, sets of to start a new Russian--and even worldwide--revolution.A group of brilliant but quite odd characters are quickly brought together to find a way to stop him. The results are fantastical and hilarious at the same time. The author works the tale into a satirical fantasy with elements of a thriller and mystery.I recommend this book to all lovers of fiction.