Book reviews from Liag

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Arms and Armor

by Stephen V. Grancsay

On Jun 23 2008, Liag said:
Stephen V. Grancsay was my uncle. My name is Gail Grancsay and I reside in Northern California. My uncle was so devoted to his work that I only met him once for about a few hours. That was at his home in Brooklyn, N.Y. I remember the incredible things he had in his house. I ran up a stairway and THERE standing in front of me was a knight in shining armor. He scared the hell out of me. I almost had a heart attack at age 15. There were suits of chain mail, crossbows, dagers and dueling pistols and yes, of course, swords. Every piece was perfect as if made in 1978 when we were visiting. There were pirots sea chests and huge beautiful vases and ABSOLUTELY EVERYWHERE you looked in that house there was a book of some kind or another. Of course, most regarding medieval armor and weapons. There were book shelves in the Kitchen on every wall! The dining room, living room, den, closets, hallways, even those going up stairs, the basement, the attic and the bathrooms were all lined with shelves stacked with books. Books written by hand by the monks hundreds and hundreds of years ago in mint condition. He wrote and spoke 19 different languages fluently I am told. When he died in 1979, The METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART in NY were lucky enough to inherit his library. From what I understand it took 2 full tractor trailers to get the library out of my uncle's house. It was good that the Met received everything my uncle ever gave them. They were of same heart and sole. Those that collect what needs to be saved and know how to preserve it for all posterity are those we need in charge and the Met is the place. Just wanted to share. Have a good life whoever my read this. Sincerely, Gail A. Grancsay