Book reviews from SiobhanBaird

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SiobhanBaird's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.

Raising Dragons

by Bryan Davis

On Oct 14 2008, SiobhanBaird said:
SiobhanBaird rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
As a Christian teen who grew up around books, I know how hard it is to find ones that can really be trusted to stay true to the Christian values, especially in the fiction genre. I almost did a dance when I stumbled upon "Raising Dragons" in my local Christian bookstore, and read it for the first time. Not only has this author successfully presented Christian themes alongside fantasy (almost completely unheard of at that time), but he has done so with a storyline and characters that are genuinely enjoyable, even for an older teen like myself. Parents, you can feel safe letting your children lose themselves in these pages. And for anyone older, don't pass this one up either!