Book reviews from dpcain321

Colorado, United States

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dpcain321's average rating is 4 of 5 Stars.

The Mote In God's Eye

by Larry, Jerry Pournelle Niven

On Nov 11 2011, Dpcain321 said:
dpcain321 rated this book 4 of 5 Stars.
I had very high hopes for this novel. It was recently listed in spot #61 on NPR's 2011 reader's poll of the top 100 science fiction and fantasy books. I must say that I was disappointed. It's good but not great, and certainly not one of the best ever sci-fi stories (at least, as far as my interests go). The description of the "Motie" alien biology and social structure is very interesting, and so are the ideas of technologies that allow faster-than-light interstellar travel. However, the human protagonists are poorly developed stock characters who are laughable stereotypes in some cases. The novel was published in 1974, but it feels more like something from the 1940s or 1950s - the sole female character is written in a very sexist manner, and is largely a weak and ineffectual observer to the important actions of all the macho males. In addition, the different scenes don't really flow together well and parts of the story drag a little bit. This book is a pleasant diversion, but do not expect anything exceptional.