Book reviews from j4782

Illinois, United States

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j4782's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.

Sleeping Beauty

by Mercedes Lackey

On Oct 22 2010, J4782 said:
j4782 rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
This is part of Lackey's collection of new twists on fairy tales. This one incorporates many plotlines of a variety of fairy tales, and even some old Norse style epics. The fairy godmother does her best to help the kingdom and people under her care outwit the Tradition, a non-sentient force of magic that tries to force people to live out a fairytale, whether or not it ends up happily ever after. Actually, the Tradition tends to end in tragedy more than fantasy. This is one of the best in the series thus far. There are several unusual plot twists. The godmother is half-Elven, so she's older and more experienced than any other. She's forced to disguise herself as a wicked sorceress into order to keep her kingdom safe from the Tradition, but the princess goes missing! Just when she thinks she knows how to save the princess, the tradition throws a wrench into the process. Instead of one hero, the godmother must sort out hundreds to find the right one for the princess.