Book reviews from rpurser

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rpurser's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.


by Nahu

On Mar 1 2007, Rpurser said:
rpurser rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
Trail-Blazing Journey into the Mind of God!, December 20, 2006 Reviewer: Ronald E. Purser "Ronald Purser, Ph.D. Professor, San Francisco State University" (San Bruno, CA United States) - UFOs: God From Inner Space is an original and first-person exploration of this cultural and physical phenomena that has up until now, either perplexed scientists, theologians, psychologists, or has been shrouded in mystery or folklore. Nahu, a gifted clairvoyant in his own right, provides a unique perspective on UFOs derived from his own profound and transformative personal encounter, as well as through years of painstaking analyses of other accounts of close encounters. Unlike many other books which focus on the "nuts and bolts" paradigm of trying to "prove" the existence of UFOs, Nahu takes the reader deep into the depths of our personal and collective psyches, exploring how UFOs defy the laws of our three dimensional space-time reality, and beckon us to awaken to our true source--"pure mind." Be prepared for a journey and psychic adventure that weaves together research from such disparate fields as quantum physics, chaos theory, depth psychology, Eastern philosophy, parapsychology, sacred geometry, and religious history, along with visionary insights into the holographic nature of consciousness based on the "Spiral Template" principle. For Nahu, UFOs are just the tip of the iceberg; the real import of his ideas point to the deeper realities of UFOs as imprints of the Mind of God. Unlike many faddish or cultish books on UFOs, Nahu attempts to understand UFOs by reexamining documented cases and reinterpreting archival data from a transformation of consciousness perspective. Nahu uncovers many hidden and overlooked aspects of the UFO experience that are missed by conventional "nuts and bolts" investigators. Original insights and new theoretical visions of reality abound in this book. The nature of time, the construction of our personal and collective reality through the "observation principle," understanding the dynamics of individual perspective, the connection between Near Death Experiences, Out-of-Body Experiences, the symbolic nature of Light in spiritual transformation, and UFOs are explored in great depth. All this, according to Nahu, is pointing to the HOLOVERSAL SELF - an awakened mind that is fully aware of its multidimensional nature--and open to the interpenetrating realities of wholes in the parts. Explaining in extricate detail on how UFOs can be understood in as an inter-dimensional phenomena, this book takes up where Carl Jung left off. In short, Nahu presents a "grand unified theory of UFOs" that unites objective and subjective realities, and links insights into the underlying energetic structures of UFOs to the divinity of our own minds. This book is relevant not just to UFO enthusiasts, but to depth psychologists, open-minded physicists, those interested in the paranormal, and anyone committed to personal and collective transformation of consciousness.