Book reviews from shelbymoore

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by Browning, , Robert

On Feb 12 2013, Shelbymoore said:
Bill Bryson's A Walk In The Woods, left me with a feeling of completeness. The second chapter was so funny, by it's end, I was down to crying. My husband looked at me like what the hells going on? I read every word and wished there was more. I've lived on both sides of the Appalachian Trail but never stepped a foot on it. I don't believe I've ever ridden on it by car. I know now I'm glad I never did. The facts and details of his work was most fascinating. There is a lot to be learned if you open your mind. I met and liked Katz, Mary Ellen, Chicken John and all the others. I walked in the snow, slept in the huts, splashed in the rivers, smelled the sweat and even swatted a fly. When Katz was lost in the final chapter of the book, there was no way I would lay the book down until it was finished, not to even go to the toilet or to make a drink of vodka and sprite! I was as re leaved as Bryson when he was found. I am happy they went home and they did have their walk in the woods on the Appalachian Trail.