Book reviews from GailDenton

Arizona, United States

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GailDenton's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.

The Name Of the Wind

by Patrick Rothfuss

On Oct 4 2010, GailDenton said:
GailDenton rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
Often times fantasy books are plagued by the shadow of Middle Earth. This is not true of Rothfuss' book. He has created a place and characters out of new cloth. They are people and places born out of the author himself and they live because he makes them live.It is evident that this is a first book. The second in the trilogy is to be published in March of 2011 and I am sure the story will be tighter and more carefully crafted. Nevertheless, The Name of the Wind is an excellent book full of danger, mysteries, love and strange adventures. Although my willingness to believe was stretched on occasion, Rothfuss never exceeds the bounds of what might be possible somewhere. I appreciate that. He respects his readers as much as he does his characters.This is a nice fat book. You won't finish it in an afternoon. When you do have to put it down to go do the dishes or answer the phone you will regret that you must do so and you will think about the story as you complete your obligations in this world.You will like this book. You will want the next one. What more can I say?